Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fright Night (1985)

A Cute Vampire Film

I forgotten just how cute this one is until I watch it again recently - it's had been years since I've seen it and it's nice to watch again!

The film is exactly what it says it is: a teenager finds out his neighbor is a vampire! And of course no one believes him but he finally convinces his friends and TV personality, Peter Vincent (Roddy McDowell), to help him kill the vampire before it hurts more people.

A very simple but very much a fun story to watch!! It reminds me of a vampire version of the werewolf film "Silver Bullet" in a roundabout way - you know the teen kid hero out to get the creature and no one believes them at first but finally convinces friends and an adult to help with it crusade. LOL Fun stuff!


Fright Night (1985)

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