Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Virus (1999)

Crazy Fun Film

OK This might not be the worlds greatest sci-fi horror film but it's crazy fun to watch! It's farfetched, full of special effects, an interesting enough story and a great cast that takes their characters to the edge -- I found the film quite entertaining!

Donald Sutherland plays the crazy Captain Robert Everton. Everton is a captain of boat full of people helping him to bring in something on a barge (they never said what it was) - anyway the boat gets a hole in it during a typhoon, they drive to the eye of the storm for some calm and happen upon a huge Russian ship! The ship seems to be a derelict, they hop aboard and the Captain gets the crazy idea he can haul it in and make money off the ship. Much to surprise to the Captain and his crew there is a Russian scientist on board, Nadia, who shoots at them first but they become allies with her once they realize Nadia is telling the truth - an alien lifeform, an intelligent energy of sorts, that is onboard trying to to take literal shape by combining man and machine together to survive. It wants and needs the Captain and his crew to create itself in many forms. What's worse the alien thinks mankind is nothing more than a virus!!

Really fun movie - Jamie Lee Curtis, Donald Sutherland, William Baldwin and all the rest of the actors are great in this - the entire cast are the one's that really *made this film* so enjoyable for viewing!


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