Wednesday, September 7, 2016

They Live (1988)

Insanely Fun Film

It's great to see this one again after all these years - I forgot just how funny this film was until I recently watched it again! Insanely Fun Film - worth watching if you like the comedy-horror films.

In a roundabout way, this film reminds me of a very comical version of "Brave New World" or "1984" - I'm referencing the whole idea of people being 'asleep' or 'zombified' while THEY LIVE and we are slowing dying inside, and as a society as THEY take over. THEY are taking over the world while we sleep, THEY are getting richer and richer while we consume, obey and sleep.

The film really is a good social commentary about our own world. It's funny, lots of action and all around fun to watch.


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