Monday, May 9, 2016

Voodoo Woman (1957)

Retitle This: Creature With The Blonde Wig

Watch this film if you want to make fun of a movie. There is a lot to make fun of here because it's a real eye-roller.  Dumb looking creature with a blonde wig. WOW that's scary! Let's not forget the bad acting - in particular the dark haired female lead. This female lead is just hateful and not tough. There's more to poke fun at but that give you and idea already. It's also very boring so it will help to pass the time to make fun of the film.

Why isn't this another "Voodoo Man" entitled film instead of being called  "Voodoo Woman"? It's a man that is using voodoo to hoodoo the islanders - among others. He's a "mad scientist" trying to create a perfect indestructible race that will do his bidding. Whatever.

OK this film is going in my "garbage films" list.


Voodoo Woman (1957)

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