Monday, May 9, 2016

Curse of the Swamp Creature (1966)

A Countrified Version of Voodoo Woman

This film is nothing more than a countrified remake of terrible film called Voodoo Woman (1956). Yes it's countrified - listen to the accents. And the acting is just as awful as the original film. This is a classic example of a no-budget z-grade film with actors going nowhere.

Why in the heck did they think that Voodoo Woman needed a remake to begin with - and if they did decide to remake the film then why make it worse than the already terrible original film? Shouldn't this film be a little bit better than the original? UGH! Okay to be fair this is a made for TV remake so I guess it shouldn't be a bit better than the original but I wish it was. I couldn't make it through the first film and there's no way I can make it through this film.

I like a bad B-film that is good but these are so bad they are a waste of film, time and a little bit of money to make. Not to mention a waste of time to finish watching.


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