Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Woman Condemned (1934)

Jerry's Got a Hunch

I've got a hunch that Jerry's got a hunch that he's got a hunch but that's just my hunch. WOW Jerry's favorite word: hunch. I counted 9 times he used the the word hunch. See how irritating that is? Well, I've just introduced you to Jerry who is a young wannabe investigator - I say wannabe because he's not that good. Jerry's girlfriend... err wife... has been charged with murder and Jerry does not believe that she did it - but that was just his hunch.

This is one of those films that will have you saying to yourself "WTF did I just watch? What just happened?" It kinda makes sense at the end but it's not 100% crystal clear about the twin sister. Was there ever a twin? Did Jane play both parts or was the gun secretly switched with blanks somehow?

There is something so weird about this horrible film that I liked it a tiny bit - just for the weirdness and not because it's good.


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