Monday, May 16, 2016

Daughters of Satan (1972)

Slow-Moving, Terrible Witch & Painting Film

This movie "feels" like a R-Rated made for TV movie or tv episode - it doesn't "feel" like a movie that would hit movie theaters or drive-ins. It also "feels" like a cop show and not a horror movie. Speaking of cops, it's a cop-out film ending.

Laughably terrible, yet a  somewhat mildly entertaining slow-moving film. Tom Selleck, I mean James Robertson, buys a painting because the woman being burned at the stake looks like his wife. She's not happy with the painting but lives with it. Over time the wife becomes the woman or witch in the painting - she's possessed with the witches spirit. More people from the painting appear to be possessing others as well. It's as if everyone from the painting is suddenly possessing people - including a dog! Funny, the painting of the dog is fading but not the rest of the people. It seems the dog can jump out of the painting but not the people. He's a witches familiar so I guess that makes him an exception LOL.

OH expect to hear 1970's "action music" in this horror film when the "action" is taking place. The music sounds like something from some action-cop type of show and not horror. I guess because pre-Magnum P.I. Tom Selleck is in it? Weird.


Daughters of Satan (1972)

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