Friday, May 6, 2016

The Shame of Mary Boyle (1929)

A Dry Film - Love It Or Hate It, It's Still Hitchcock

The film is about as dry as stale bread. It does hold my interest to a degree but it's not the greatest film nor the worst film that Hitchcock has made (in my opinion). From what I've read, not even Alfred wanted liked this film - he didn't even want to make it but he did.

It's not an unwatchable film but it is not a good movie. It's more of an interest to Hitchcock fans and maybe some film students - that's about it. There might be another small crowd interested in this one, those that are interested in all things Irish.

IDK what this film is missing really, maybe a bit more comedy to make it "spicy" or entertaining. A bit quicker pace couldn't hurt either.

Not bad but not good - It's in the middle ground for me.

Note: IMDb has this film listed as 1929 while most other sources have this film listed as 1930. 


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