Friday, May 6, 2016

The Manxman (1929)

Intriguing Love Triangle Story

I'm not big on most romance films - but this one I like. I've seen this one before, forgot about it, and watching it again it dawned on me that I have seen this one. I find it intriguing. Love triangles happen in real life and I would hope they don't end up in a tragic situation as in this film.

The biggest questions when dealing with this love triangle is: "Is Kate really in-love with both men at once" (you know, finds something she loves about both of them)? OR is Kate really just a 'player' (using both men)? It seems to me that Kate is actually in-love with Phil but likes Pete as a good friend - so why did Kate flirt so hard with Pete? Why didn't Kate just tell Pete 'I'm in-love with Phil, and you are our good friend'?

This whole thing/story happened because Kate flirted hard with both men but really only fell in-love with one man, Phil, and lead Pete on in the very beginning. Kate is to blame for all of this - left Pete hurting badly - not to mention Phil who was like a brother to Pete. 

Good film - I enjoyed this one.


The Manxman (1929)

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