Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Pay-Off (1930)

Nothing Special - Mundane Film

There are several crime dramas from the 1930s to chose from and this one is below average to me. If you want a good crime film from the 1930s you'll have to look elsewhere. This "drama" has it's "cutesy" moments with the wife and once in awhile the men so it's a cutesy drama at times - yea it's "one of those" you see fairly often from the 1930s.

I found the story bland, the acting merely okay, cinematography and directing average. Really, look elsewhere for a GOOD crime drama from the 1930s - this one is very mundane, nothing special - doesn't have what it takes to really stand out from other films. Not a hidden gem.

This is another film I wanted to like, or at least get into to a degree but I couldn't. Bored me to tears.


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