Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Hearse (1980)

Long And Slow For No More Than What It Is

This one is very long and slow for no more than what it is. The film will try your patience at times... it could have been cut down by 30 minutes easily. A forgettable film really. I had to fast-forward in parts.

The film sounds better by description that what is really is: A woman moves into the (haunted) home of her deceased aunt, only one person in town is friendly to to her as the others do not want her in town, a hearse follows the woman around and she believes it has something to do with her aunt that was a witch. -- No the film is not as good as it sound like it would be.

It's not a down-right horrible film but it's not good either. Unnecessarily lengthy and the pace needed to be a bit faster.


The Hearse (1980)

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