Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lady in White (1988)

Awful Kids Horror Film

The first thing you will notice in the film are all the kids - yea it's kid's film.  The next thing you will hear are racial slurs coming from the mouth of one of the kids, of course the kid got punched in the face but why all this for a kid's horror film? I had to fast-forward and when I did I heard more racial slurs out of adults and this quickly tore it for me. Why should one be subjected to racial slurs for a film - even if the point is 'unity among the races'? Why not just show unity or friendship between all races in a film instead?! Yes I quickly found this film repulsive and I quickly turned this off this awful film.

Do yourself a favor and watch a much better kids horror film instead of this trashy mess of a film - at least I wish I would have read that in reviews before I ever tried watching this.


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