Sunday, May 15, 2016

Studio One in Hollywood: Plan for Escape (1952)

A Young Woman And A Mobster

A 21 year old gold digger gets herself hooked up with a mobster boss. "I'm tired of men talking in the corners" she tells him in the beginning and he quickly reminds her that she got what she wanted - money. The gang of mobsters are tired of their boss they want to get rid of him. A bit later she witnesses a murder, gets scared and runs - goes on the lam. She takes a boarding room and meets a nice guy who will help her if she will only open up to him. Will our gold digger escape from the mob?

This one I found LAME! The 21 year old is very, very whiny. Yes overly emotional and irritating to watch. And she is our "star" of the show - which makes it worse.


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