Sunday, May 15, 2016

Studio One in Hollywood: Flowers from a Stranger (1949)

Intriguing Episode

I actually liked this episode - it's intriguing, nothing special but good. It is a little suspenseful, "spooky" organ music in it (which I actually liked), a fun story to follow and an evil Yul Brynner!

Yul Brynner is our evil villain in this sorta spooky tale of a woman's mother who was murdered, her dreams and memories coming back to "haunt" and her psychiatrist husband that downplays the woman's situation.

The dream sequence - the one with the woman as a girl and the passing train - that was beautifully filmed! Excellent, haunting. Too bad the rest of the story was not filmed this way.


Studio One in Hollywood: Flowers from a Stranger (1949)

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