Saturday, May 21, 2016

Messiah of Evil (1973)

Fresh Fruits & Veggies? - Awful!

If this town has been zombified for awhile then why are fruits and veggies in the supermarket fresh? And why was the meat fresh? - should have been all rotten if the town really was zombified for a long while. I'm just glad the zombies decided on a fresh kill to get their meat. Yea the only scene worth watching.

Boring, awful film. It's not the low budget factor because I love many low budget films but this film is just lame - LAME! It's awful in every way I can think of.

If you want to see a GOOD zombie movie watch White Zombie (1932) or  Night of the Living Dead (1968) and the rest of that series - those films are so much better than this Messiah of Evil crap.

This film is forgotten for a reason so they say but it does have a strong following for a forgotten film - lots of people seem to like this movie and I still don't know why.

I give this one a 2 out of 10 just for the grocery store scene.


Messiah of Evil (1973)

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