Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Life at Stake (1954)

Mediocre Crime Noir

This one is a bit weird... first of all, who in the heck would build a cabin in the mountains with a back door that opens on the edge of a cliff? This door literally opens up and if you step off you are gone. Unrealistic and too convenient to me. That is my main problem with the film.

The other problem is the film starts out slow - the first 20 minutes seems like 2 hours but it does pick up after that and does get somewhat interesting.

Another problem I had is the 21 year old helping the poor guy figure out what to do - not to run away with the $1000 bill. That is a pretty lame way for this guy's problems to be solved.

It's not a horrible film mind you, it's just not all that good either. I did watch this one until the end so it's kinda interesting.


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