Tuesday, March 8, 2016

La casa del terror (1960)

Surprise- It's Not Bad

The first thing I have to say is I don't speak Spanish and the version I saw had no subtitling but I read the summary of the film so I knew pretty much what was going on - from everything I saw and understood about the movie it's actually a decent werewolf (& mummy) film.

Chaney gets a fairly good amount of screen time although he has no lines (from my understanding it was simply because he didn't speak Spanish). The role he was playing (the way the film played out) he didn't have to speak because he was a mummy that became a werewolf. He does get action - lots of jumping around as the werewolf.

Even if you can't understand a word of Spanish but enjoy Chaney then it's a good film to watch - just veg out in front of the TV with it. 
Side note: I might have rated this film a bit higher if I understood Spanish. - Also see: Face of the Screaming Werewolf (1964)


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