Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Face of the Screaming Werewolf (1964)

Weird But Strangely Good

I just finished watching this film and I'm almost speechless about it. This movie is so weird that you would have to see it to believe it. It's in no way a good story - yet there is something about it that I enjoyed.

The music soundtrack is actually very hypnotizing and helps make the film better by enhancing the scenes - and it's just as odd as this pieced together movie.

As other reviewers have mentioned, this movie is bits and pieces of two films put together to make one film(La momia azteca and La casa del terror) with some added footage to complete it. The spliced together movies does not make any sense at all. I expected some sort of explanation at the end of the film to help tie together The Mummy and Werewolf - but there is no explanation to help summon it all.

But there is something about this mixed up movie that is good, entertaining in a strange sort of way. I would rate this movie 4/10 BUT the oddness of the movie and the strange hypnotizing soundtrack gets bonus points so I will rate this movie 6.


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