Tuesday, January 12, 2016

They Saved Hitler's Brain (1968)

They Saved This Film

Yes They Saved Hitler's Brain - along with this film. Apparently this film is actually call THE MADMEN OF MANDORAS (1963) with some extra added footage to create a TV movie in 1968 - from everything I've read on it.

The movie is, well, odd. It makes since to a degree but not completely. Maybe this is why there is a cult following for the film.

Personally I don't think this is a grand film - it's really boring in parts and interesting in other scenes.  The best scene is the flashback to Hitler and his head being saved - that was done nicely. The part where we see Hitler's head if fairly neat. The rest of the film is rather bland especially for an action sci-fi film. The only real action is people talking and talking - a lot.

Sadly, this is not a really cool sci-fi spy action film like I was hoping it would be.


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