Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Thirsty Dead (1974)

What An Odd Film - Original Star Trek-ish

I read reviews on this movie stating that it's reminiscent of the original Star Trek TV series - then I watched the film and they aren't kidding. The entire film feels like Kirk and Spock will show up at any given moment. That's not necessarily a bad thing but it doesn't give the film an original feel or overall look.

As far as the story goes - it's strange too. 4 women are kidnapped and taken to an island by a man named Baru and Ranu. The 4 women are relaxed generally speaking - minus one, Laura,  and she just seems a little bit nervous but not in a panic over being kidnapped and held captive. Human sacrifices are necessary for the cult on the island to survive - to live forever on fresh human blood.

The movie is a mild horror film - it's not bloody, no language concerns and no nudity.

It's an ok film - it's not great but it's mildly entertaining in an odd sort of way.


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