Friday, January 8, 2016

The Hideous Sun Demon (1959)

Terrible Film

I got this film in a 12 Movie Horror Classics pack. The pack has some pretty good horror movies but this one is terrible.

I don't know what is worse: the cinematography, dialogue, the story, the acting, the directing - it's all bad. Really bad. Yet there is something watchable about this awful film. I think it's the sheer awfulness of it that makes the film watchable. LOL.

A radiation experiment goes bad and a man becomes a horrible creature every time he is exposed to the sun. - That is the basic story.

If you are looking for a creature feature that will get you sleepy or a few giggles then this is the film for you. If not, then by all means pass this movie up - it's terrible yet somewhat watchable for certain audiences.

 The Hideous Sun Demon (1959)

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