Friday, January 8, 2016

Isle of the Snake People (1971)

Boris Karloff  & Zombie Fans 

This film is also known by it's shorter name "Snake People". This is not what you would call a good film... but it's not completely horrible - it's so-so.

We have Boris Karloff as  Carl van Molder / Damballah a man that owns over half of the island and studies parapsychology. He is a firm believer in leaving the island natives to their ways - but there is a deeper reason for this.

We have voodoo cultist killing people, a beautiful voodoo priestess and zombies. If this sounds appealing to you and you like older low-budget horror movies then you might like this film. This is not one of those "must see for horror fans" films but rather for those that like some of the older trash horror films.

This is a good film to have for Boris Karloff fans - it's one of his last films.


Isle of the Snake People (1971)

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