Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

Awful Yet Compelling 

Yes this is an awful film - I mean awful. Yet I find something compelling about it - something interesting about it in a weird sort of way.

This really is one of the world's worst movies - that I have to agree but it's so horrible that it's entertaining. It can be funny, weird and plain boring at the same time. This is a film you would have to see to know just how awful it is. It's up to you whether or not there is some sort of entertainment value for you - and I don't think it would be for most viewers. I am one that has found it entertaining in a weird way.

Bad acting, bad lighting, bad cinematography, bad script - yes just terrible. Why do I find this one appealing in some strange way? IDK but I do.


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