Wednesday, January 20, 2016

It Happened at Nightmare Inn (1973)

A Worthwhile Horror-Thriller

'Nightmare Hotel', 'It Happened at Nightmare Inn' or 'A Candle for the Devil' - the film is known by all three of these titles. I am not sure which one is the cut version but I have seen the film under the names 'A Candle for the Devil' and 'It Happened at Nightmare Inn' both version are good.

This one does have some creepy moments, plenty enough blood, some sadistic and perverted scenes. These two sisters running this hotel is enough to make you think twice before staying in one (similar to the way the film Psycho plays with your mind concerning Hotels/Motels).

I highly recommend this film for anyone that enjoys the older horror-thrillers - it's well worth your time watching.


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