Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)

An "OK" Third Film

I enjoy watching this third and final film in the series but I will say it's the least of my favorite among the trilogy. The creature is recaptured and turned into an air-breather by science in order to study him more.

I feel they spent too much time on the relationship between Dr. Barton and his wife Marcia. I would rather that screen time were spent studying the creature on a deeper level than that of jealously from a man (Dr. Barton) and his wife. This is a creature feature and would have loved the film had it's focus a little bit more that way.

I like the idea that Dr. Morgan wants the creature treated better, that he responds to the way he is treated.

Again, my heart is for the creature that simply wanted to be left alone in the Amazon where he is from - now he is a land creature. In the end, he is on the loose and now must further adapt, being a creature of the land now.  Poor thing.


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