Sunday, November 8, 2015

Revenge of the Creature (1955)

Good Sequel

I actually like this second film a little better than the first 1954 film, 'Creature from the Black Lagoon'. To me, the characters are a little better developed and a bit more likable in 'Revenge'. (It' just a matter of personal preference).

My heart went out to Gill-man in both films, but this second film I felt more pity for him. He just wanted to be left alone in the amazon but they captured him and brought him to an aquarium where he can became an attraction and to be studied. They are better equipped in this second film to "study" him but their form of "study" is too much for the poor creature and he escapes the aquarium.

This film is a bit creepy, lots of underwater action where you fear for the lives of the humans yet pity the Gill-man at the same time. A good sequel.


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