Monday, October 26, 2015

Horror of the Zombies (1974)

Completely Artificial Cheese!!

 This is in my Drive-in 50-pack Collection. It's a horrible film --- it's 100% artificial cheese. Not even close to the good stringy cheese that some B-films give us.

The film is watchable believe it or not. It's so gawd awful but something barely tolerable about it. It's a dumb film, with a dumb story yet it's so mind-numbingly dumb that one can watch it as any zombie could.

Model Kathy is tricked onto a ship full of Satan-worshiping Knights Templar. Noemi questions her employer Lillian about Kathy being missing and Lillian takes Noemi to the ship because Noemi was going to go to the police. They go to the ship, end up in another dimension. Blah, blah, blah then enters the "zombies".  The big question is "will Kathy and Noemi get back to their own dimension safely?


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