Sunday, October 25, 2015

Absolution (1978)

A Forgotten Gem

I got this film in the 50-pack Drive-in Collection. I had forgotten all about this movie.. I popped it in and about 1/3 of the way into the film I remembered seeing this one a few years ago. WOW what a pleasant blast from the past. So glad they included this forgotten gem in the collection!

Yes this film is good - it's my kind of a mystery-thriller. Although the film is not a horror film, it does get creepy - very creepy. Fans of classic horror movies should enjoy this film along with fans of mystery-thrillers. Just an excellent film! 

The film does start slow... but it is worth it in the end. There is a reason for this seemingly slow start - it will make sense in the end.

Great late night flick. One that you will not want to miss anything so have your drink and food ready!


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