Tuesday, September 15, 2015

And Soon the Darkness (1970)

 A Well Made Horror-Thriller

This really is a good, well made, thrilling horror-mystery. This has all the makings for a worth-while horror film: We have two women touring on their bicycles in France (which they know little about the area they are in), a weird police officer, a strange detective, secluded wooded area, chases and a mystery of a dead friend - whodunit or is she still alive?

Well worth you time to watch this movie if what I have described to you sounds appealing, intriguing and you like the older suspenseful horror-thrillers as well as a mystery to solve. There is a twist ending that may not come as a big shock to you but the way it happens might surprise you just a bit.

English is the main language of the film but some French is spoken - that's not a problem for the English-only speaking crowd - you'll know what is going on without subtitles.

If you can find a copy of this film... I highly recommend it for viewing.


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