Thursday, April 23, 2015

The War of the Worlds (1953)

Fun Classic Alien Sci-Fi

War of the Worlds (1953) is a fun classic to watch. Martians are taking over planet Earth - for what real reason is left a mystery. Maybe for the clean water, rain, cloud cover (which the aliens prefer) etc...

The film is fun but left the viewer with quite a few questions: How do they eat? What is their "air" like (what do they breathe)? How primitive of a creature are they - what could they be likened to on earth? Did they in fact have a two or three brains as speculated in the beginning of the film? etc....

If you just take the film as a "fun" sci-fi film then you are sure to enjoy this movie. Crazy looking aliens, strange ships, shoot-them-up action, building blowing up - those type of things make this film fun to watch.


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