Monday, April 20, 2015

Last Woman on Earth (1960)

A Good Philosophical Story

As the plot reads: 3 people are deep sea diving and when they resurface they find everyone in Puerto Rico dead - maybe everyone in the world.

Possible spoilers below:
What I did not get was the fact they were arguing over one boat/yacht. It's Puerto Rico for crying out loud! Plenty of boats and yachts around - why fight over one? The only thing I can figure out is that Martin was  trying to make a point to Harold: "Harold does not own the world" (as Harold acted throughout the film).

Outside of the possible spoiler the movie made perfect sense. I'm sure they were there for weeks - maybe months - so nature will take it course (one woman and two men - need I say more?).

The fancy clothes they were wearing: they dress how the prefer to dress just like we all do..... and I'm sure they were trying to maintain a sense of normalcy by dressing how they prefer to dress - help to try to keep their sanity.

I found each of them right and wrong - depending on which subject they were speaking on. No one is 100% right - that is realistic.

The fighting? Normal. What has happened has shocked them I'm sure. To make matters worse: imagine yourself in their place - just you and two other people for MONTHS - not one other person to talk to... I'm sure they were getting on each others nerves - that is realistic. Now imagine it's your own wife (or husband) and someone else is trying to 'be with them'... I'm sure there would be plenty of people like Harold "She's my wife and not just on paper".

Yes this movie is gets VERY philosophical -- one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much.


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