Monday, April 20, 2015

Dominique (1979)

A Good "Ghost" Story

I have not seen Dominique in years... watching it again after years of no see I find the movie extremely good. If you want a fast-paced, bloody ghost story then this film is not for you. This film is what you might call 'slow' and written well instead of 'fast' and all bloody eye-candy with no solid story. Dominique is my kind of a ghost story - just a damned good story with quality acting.

The story is exactly like the plot summery. Basically, a money-hungry husband and the 'ghost' of a vengeful wife. There is more to this story but I will not tell it because it would ruin the film for those who have not seen it yet. It's a must watch for lovers of older ghost stories.

I remembered the film to be good - but it is so much better than I recalled it to be. This might be a 'boring' ghost story for some - for others, like myself, this is a quality haunting film.


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