Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Old Dark House (1932)

Bizarre Horror At It's Best

This is another film I've forgotten just how good it was until I recently re-watched it again. I have to say this is one of the best classic horror films I've ever seen. It's is bizarre, twisted and very good.

Horace Femm - is the most sane of the insane Femm family, he's a very odd and nervous type of fellow. His sister, Rebecca Femm , is almost sane but very weird indeed. Saul Femm is the eldest brother and is completely insane pyromaniac. Sir Roderick Femm, the father, who is 102 and bedridden - he is a very creepy fellow but helps to fill in the story of the Femm family and their sick-o drunk butler Morgan.

Yes this movie is definitely worth watching if you enjoy older horror stories involving insanity and creepy old houses.


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