Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Seven Years in Tibet (1997)

An Interesting Film

I have never read Heinrich Harrer's book so I have nothing to compare the film to and no way to know to what degree the film has been fictionalized.  So I have to rate this film as "a dramatized or fictionalized biographical film".

I saw this movie when it first came out in 1997. This is actually the last movie I have ever seen in a movie theater. (Yes it's been that long since I have been to the theater).

This is one of those movies I liked better than I thought I would - it was better than the previews lead me to believe. I thought the movie was actually good. It was heartwarming, a bit adventurous, and quite an interesting story.

My rating is based on "just a Hollywood film" and not on if it is a perfectly accurate account  or true to the book.


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