Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)

A Good Vampire Story

I have never read Anne Rice's novel but she did write the screenplay for this film - all I can say is "Wow! One of the best Vampire films I have ever seen and one of best stories involving Vampires."

Everything about this film is amazing: the costuming, the sets, the story, cinematography, and the casting!

Lestat (Cruise) is one of the vilest Vampires I have ever seen but towards the end of the film I found I understood him and somewhat sympathized with the character.

Claudia (Dunst) I felt really bad for her... she is a young girl turned and she will never have a chance to grow up.

Louis (Pitt) I felt pity for. He never wanted to "feast on a human". He remained strong in that area for a long time - feasting of small animals most of the time. But towards the end he became more like Lestat.

This is a must see for all Vampire fans!


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