Monday, October 20, 2014

Magnum Force (1973)

Better Than Dirty Harry

This sequel to Dirty Harry is awesome. I think it's better than Dirty Harry (the first film in the series). What I like about this second film is the air of mystery surrounding the "bad cops".

Some people have wondered why Dirty Harry does not join the "bad cops". Dirty Harry does not always follow the rules - he'll make his own rules up as he see fit. So why doesn't Harry join the group of "bad cops"? It's just like Harry's movie catchphrase:  "A man's got to know his limitations." The answer is within the film.

You do not have to watch the first movie, Dirty Harry, to know what is going on in this second film - but I do recommend watching Dirty Harry first.

This is a great prime-time film.  

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