Monday, October 20, 2014

Dirty Harry (1971)

A Thrilling Crime Drama

The movie Dirty Harry really is all it's cracked up to be: A damned good action-packed crime-thriller. Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood) is out to get the notorious and crazed Scorpio-killer Andy Robinson (Andrew Robinson). It is a film worth watching if you like crime-thrillers with some action.

Some critics are not fond of Andy Robinson as the Scorpio-killer but I have to completely disagree. I think Robinson was perfect for the role. With Andrew playing the role, we have a killer (Andy) with an innocent look about him - and that alone is enough to believe him blameless of such gruesome crimes - but behind his looks is a mind of a criminally sick man. Outstanding performance by Andrew Robinson.

Clint Eastwood - he is just as good as always. He is a well seasoned, brilliant actor.


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