Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Last Exorcism (2010)

Just Stupid. 

Scraping the bottom of the barrel is how I would describe this film.

I am not one that writes a bad reviews for a movie but this one is awful. A terrible mockumentary - definitely not a documentary.

I watched the first 5 minutes or so of this movie and was appalled  at what I saw. I could not even watch it long enough to get a good laugh out of it. The opening scenes were too fake - I felt as if I could have done a much better job at filming and acting than what I saw in this movie (and I do not say that about 99% of the movies I watch only about 1% I will say this about and The Last Exorcism is in that 1%).

I fast forwarded through the movie just to see if I thought it would get better but, alas, I only saw more of the same terrible acting and filming that was in the beginning. "OK, time to see this ending that I've heard others talk about" I said to myself -- what I saw was juststupid.

I cannot even get a laugh out of this film much less a good scare.


The Last Exorcism (2010) 

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