Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Beastmaster (1982)

A Captivating Fantasy

I remember watching this movie as a preteen and a few times as a teen. I did enjoy the movie back then. An I am enjoying it again as an adult - I forgot just how much I liked this movie until I re-watched it again -- memories started flowing.

The movie is quite an adventure fantasy - very cute with all the animals. It'll have you wishing you had the same extraordinary powers over the animals. And the movie has enough action to keep it interesting.

This is a movie that goes into to category of "Conan" and "Krull" - if you like those or similar movies then you are sure to love "The Beastmaster".

On a fun note: If you like "The Beastmaster" and online games then try "Lord of the Rings Online" -- you can play a Lore-master which is much like the character of the "The Beastmaster".

I would have rated this movie 8.5 but I have to give it a 9 - the extra half point is for the nostalgia factor.


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