Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Krull (1983)

Cute Fantasy Flick

Krull is a pleasing cheeky fantasy film. Yes it's another one of those hero rescues the damsel in distress types of stories - but a cute one. It's kinda corny yet so damned good for a film of this sorts. The movie is a swords and sorcery meets superheros meets star wars action adventure film, so it's recommended to those that like those film types.

The Glave is a returning weapon - a throwing-star, shuriken in fact. You do not see very many of these as a chosen weapon in films - so that helps to give "Krull" an edge (stand out) over other films in this genre. You'll want one after watching the movie!

Krull is a fantasy movie I enjoyed in my preteen years. I think other lovers of this genre may like this film too.


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