Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Twelve Monkeys (1995)

Much better than I ever expected.

This is a movie I figured I would like - but did not think I would like it as much as I do. The movie is well worth watching if you are into time travel.

I'm not sure what I liked best about the film: The humor, the action, the twists, the idea of a criminal rescuing humanity, or the idea of time travel itself. Maybe its a bit of all of it because 12 Monkeys has all of this.

The way this film is made, you can actually keep up with what is going on even though there is travel in time happening - not like some time travel films where you can't tell where they are or where they have been half the time. The film is well made (and well written) so you can easily follow what is going on.

This is a film that fans of time travel, science fiction, action, and comedy-dramas is sure to enjoy!


IMDb: Twelve Monkeys (1995)  

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