Monday, June 30, 2014

The Thing (1982)

A Creepy Alien Film

John Carpenter's version of "The Thing" is one of the scariest science fiction films dealing with space aliens that I have ever seen. The story itself is creepy enough but Carpenter's vision created a memorable horror film out of the story.

The first thing that one notices is the element of icy isolation. The group of scientists are in the cold desolation of the Antarctic  and loose contact with the civilized world. - That in itself is enough to scare the daylights out of most people.

The second thing is the thing. An alien life-form that cannot be seen, is not ghost-like, yet it's presence is well known.

The third thing is the suspense and mystery.  A mystery of how the creature lives and survives. And the suspense of who is human and who is The Thing!

This is a long time film favorite of mine and I do recommend it for those that love aliens stories mixed with horror.

On a personal note: I when I look at spiders I sometimes think of this film - the character of Vance Norris (Charles Hallahan).


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