Monday, June 30, 2014

Footloose (1984)

A Good But  Severely Underrated Film

Footloose is a good film period! I was 12 years old when Footloose came out and watched this one several times throughout my teen years. I still liked this film after re-watching it as an adult.

This seems to be a movie you either hate or love with very little in-between reviews or thoughts on the movie. I think it's rated way to low on IMDb.

Maybe some people really don't get the message of the movie?! There are real-life people that think all rock music should be banned - that is reality! Some people really do feel that rock music is a bad influence and want ALL OF THE YOUTH - in particular their own kids - to be influenced by other things: religion, country music and living, classical music or anything else they can come up with. And it's the same with the joy of dancing - some people find dancing to be outright vulgar and want others to stop dancing! YES this film is based on reality!

Maybe the people that dislikes this film so much sides with the idea of "NO ROCK MUSIC" thus, hated the *idea* that Ren McCormack (Kevin Bacon) brought rock-music back to the town as well as the pleasurable activity of dancing..

Maybe some people just dislike Kevin Bacon and will bash everything he does - including this movie - instead of judging each of his works by merit. (I've personally known people that dislike Bacon and has bashed him for everything).

Yes folks, there still are people in the world that think that all rock music and dancing should be banned for their own reasons. Wolfman Jack fought this same issue in his own way. The movie "Footloose" fights back with a great story and wonderful film.

"Rock and Roll Ain't Noise Pollution. Rock and Roll it will survive" - AC/DC.

Footloose (1984)

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