Friday, June 27, 2014

Stay (2005)

An Amazing Psychological Thriller! 

Stay is wonderfully bizarre psychological thriller that will leave you guessing throughout the film right up to the very ending. This is one of those films that at the end of it you may find yourself saying "I think I get it but maybe I don't." You might have to watch Stay at least two times to completely get the film. Yes the movie is that twisty and strange. You might find the movie is "above your head"  if you don't think about -  will have to actually think (use your head) to get the entire point of the movie - it is a psychological thriller! 

Well worth watching in my opinion if you are into strange, dream vs reality mysteries that will keep you changing your thoughts on what is happening in the movie.

I also find the movie highly underrated on IMDb.


IMDb: Stay (2005)

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