Thursday, June 26, 2014

Session 9 (2001)

Well Worth Watching!

I have to agree with one reviewer of this film on IMDb - that a lot of the thrills of this movie is subtle horror, which is the type I love! Yes you have to actually pay attention to film to get the subtle horror but plenty of that is in this film.

I never expected to like Session 9 so well but the movie fooled me - I liked this film a lot - it's better than I was expecting. It is a movie that slowly builds into a extremely terrifying thriller! I even enjoyed the beginning of the movie where their is no obvious horror and we are introduced to the characters... I actually got into the characters fairly quickly and took a liking to all of them.

This is a film that you are better off watching from the beginning and sitting through it without any distractions to keep up with the characters as they reveal more information and make new discoveries.


IMDb: Session 9 (2001)

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