Friday, June 27, 2014

Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964)

A Good Lesser Known Crime-Thriller!

This is an awesome lesser known film that fans of crime-thrillers and horror should watch! I did not expect the movie to be so interesting. The longer I  watched the film the more I became fascinated with the events unfolding on screen. It's not the greatest movie but yet something about it is captivating... very good. I did not expect the movie to end exactly the way it did - so I was a little bit surprised, but pleasantly.

The movie *almost* has an Alfred Hitchcock(ish) feel about it - I can't quite place what that is... but maybe it's just me. It is, however, right up their with some of Hitchcock's works.

I love movies like this on stormy late nights... snuggled in a blanket deeply engrossed in an older creepy thriller horror flick like this one!


IMDb: Seance on a Wet Afternoon (1964)

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