Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Minority Report (2002)


 A Must Not Miss Film!

I had seen this film before, forgot about it for some reason, then on a radio talk-show I was reminded about the film again. I watched it again and recalled seeing it before. This is one of those film I had forgotten the name of and had to be reminded.

The talk-show was about a real life version of the film Minority Report which is a subject of fascination to me. The movie Minority Report is a very important film - one everyone should watch.

Could we actually stop a crime before it is committed? Is a wo/man guilty when they have not actually committed a crime? Is thinking about harming someone an act of crime when they are only thinking about it? What if a person was planning on committing a crime but changes their mind - are they still guilty? (More questions come to my mind but I will spare you from them.)

The idea of a crime-free society has been around for who knows how many centuries... and the movie Minority Report is about the very subject!

Chose your side:
1) A crime-free society where everyone's private thoughts (including your own) are known to the police - all your thoughts!


2)A society where there is crime but you and everyone else will keep all of your thoughts private unless you choose to tell someone or act upon them.

This is a must not miss film!! The film maybe a real life future for
our society.


IMDb: Minority Report (2002)

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