Monday, June 23, 2014

Cry of the Banshee (1970)

Medieval Madness

Medieval madness over witchcraft is how I would sum up the film.

I quite liked Vincent Price in this film, he was evil and nasty as the character is suppose to be. He's a very unlikeable fellow in this film.

As far as the rest of the cast: they were good as well. No it may not have been first class acting (including Mr. Price) but everyone played their roles quite well.

The costuming, set and scenery is outstanding! I felt I was brought back to medieval times.

The Banshee itself? The viewer really does not see clearly - instead it is left to your imagination as to what The Banshee completely looked like.

The story really is a little bit sketchy because it leaves you with a few questions unanswered but that is what keeps you pondering the film. There was an opening for a part two left in this film if they wanted to make it. A part two could have answered the questions the viewer was left with and (maybe) it could have been the end of The Banshee as well.

I will have to rate this film 8/10

IMDb: Cry of the Banshee (1970)

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