Sunday, June 29, 2014

10,000 BC (2008)

A Badly Underrated Film

I do not care if there are anachronisms or not in this film - it's good! I found it to be an interesting story with beautiful mammoth sized cinematography. The way the movie is filmed it looks as if the film-makers were going for an Epic and they did it by my standards.

I love the "Hyborian Age" type of films. It's a world of fantasy, sword and sorcery, barbarians and other magical ideas. "10,000 BC" does fit somewhat well into this category.

If you loved the "Conan" films(1982 or 2011) or enjoy movies with a caveman theme like "Missing Link (1988) " and " Iceman (1984)" then you might like the movie "10,000 BC".

I believe this movie is rated way to poorly - badly underrated on IMDb.


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