Friday, May 6, 2016

Easy Virtue (1928)

Taboo Subject: Divorce

Divorces were getting popular in the 1920s - yes they were happening - but it was still a taboo subject for some people to talk about or even accept as being "okay". Films like this one were made with the taboo subject of divorce in mind to help bring divorce to mainstream discussion and acceptance. Divorces were considered to be a "problem" during the 1920. Films like "Easy Virtue" really helped with shedding light on the subject in the social consciousness/awareness and divorces became socially acceptable.

I'm not big on most "romance" films but there are a few of them I really enjoy and this Hitchcock film is one of them. I found this one pleasant to watch since it deals with a subject that was still considered to be taboo during the time era this film was made in.

A good film if you like romance films, the history of films in general or simply love Alfred Hitchcock.


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